Sunday, July 12, 2009

Willow River Camping Trip

We thought it would be a good idea to take an overnight camping trip with TJ into Wisconsin Territory. Not knowing what obstacles would befall us, we decided to bring everything we owned, and then a little bit extra - just in case.

Willow River is a short 10.6-mile trip from our front door to campsite, but it actually did feel like a vacation. (Probably because the non-resident fees can make you feel like a real tourist.)

Contrary to several posted signs, pets were welcome and abundant. And by "pets", I mean dogs. I did not see any cats hiking the White Tail Trail, although in all fairness, why hike when you can nap?

TJ quickly learned that looking pretty works well while camping. Since we couldn't bring it with us, TJ made good use of our extra turkey sausages.

Then he moved on to the real treat-feeder. I can't resist a smiling face!

Willow Falls and native plants (Note to self: plant native garden next spring; very drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, and apparently quite prolific)

Adam and TJ enjoyed a quick trip into, onto, and all around the falls. I stayed within the marked boundaries and prayed that no one sprained an ankle.

Most of the trip was spent reading juvenile fiction and hanging out by the campfire. TJ eventually learned to relax after he had remarked the boundaries of our campsite. For a 20-hour, 20-mile, $40 trip (thanks Wisconsin), we had ourselves a pretty good time.

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Mickey said...

Camping was clearly the name of the game this weekend! Good job with cooking cleanup, TJ!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a nice relaxing camping trip.....Mom Johnson