Sunday, July 19, 2009

Daylily Season

It's daylily season at our house. The flowers don't seem to hang around too long, but we have enough bunches that it doesn't really matter. There is always another flower to open up once the first flowers have died back.

Every one of the daylily clumps - with the exception of this orange deal, below - came from a friend and/or family division. I think it really says something about relationships. First, thanks for the beautiful flowers; I appreciate their beauty and your generosity. Second, my friends and/or family have decent enough taste not to pass off the orange one. It's really kind of ugly, both in color and form. I can't tell if it's growing or dying.

On another note, I just picked the first ripe tomato of the season - an heirloom variety called Brandywine. I hope it tastes as sweet as the name!

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1 comment:

Mattson Family said...

I am so jealous of your tomato! Ours are eons away from being ripe seeing as we live in the coldest/rainiest place in MN this summer.
Hey now, all we have are orange day lilies, they're not the worst are they? They don't last long though that's true. I am hoping to meet people who have other varieties for future phasing out of the the orange.