Sunday, February 20, 2011


We've been fighting a losing battle with the neighborhood squirrels again this winter. I made a little peanut butter pine cone treat for the chickadees last weekend. It was a huge hit, until... (cue the Jaws soundtrack)

...Squirrel Enemy #1 popped up over the fence, surely sensing the presence of new food.

It was only a matter of time before he figured out how to grab the pine cone, cut the string, and run away with his prize. It was my best pine cone, too.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011


We've had some comments on the blog lately. To the grab bag!

Blogger Tyler said...

I feel like you are getting lazy with the posts.

February 15, 2011 9:24 PM

Tyler, I absolutely agree with you. I think it has to do with the subject matter. Maybe this post will change your mind.

In other news, my parents are cleaning out their garage and brought me bins of personal items from the nineties. In addition to my first microscope and my amazing rock collection, I also have about 8 years' worth of pre-teen and teenage angst captured in Dear Diary format. Here's a sampling (spelling and grammar unchanged):

Date: 3-12-93
Today after school I said to Christopher and Tyler, "You can go ahead and play outside, but don't get into the mud."
Well they didn't get into the mud, they got into tar. They were told specifically not to play in it but they did and they got the tar all over themselves, and their clothes, and bathroom, and floor, etc., etc.
But that's not the worst part. When mom came home Christopher and Tyler were already in bed (when do they ever go to bed at 8:00? They knew they were going to be in trouble.) so mom started screaming at me. Me! I didn't do anything. She said it was all MY fault because I let them wear school clothes outside. Pardon?!
Day: D

Yes, I graded my days just like a report card. And there's plenty more where that came from. I was quite prolific in those days.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gettin' Ginny wit It

It's time for a new infusion. To help welcome the warmer seasons we will be working with Madam Geneva. Supposedly this infusion recipe will create a delicious Gin and Tonic.

A handful of lime rinds
A couple lemon rinds
A few basil leaves
Some slices of cucumber
Gin, Gin, Gin

Before you create this yourself, I'll do my best to let you know how it tastes. I have my suspicions.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Great Gatsby

Nicole and I acquired a copy of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby from the Stillwater Public Library. Neither of us have read the book before and it comes in at a tidy 180 pages, helping to make it something we can both finish by the weekend. The only problem so far is that our copy has been doused in cheap high schooler cologne.
Nicole made the first attempt by reading it from an arms-length and by also holding her breath. She fell asleep at page 20, likely from a lack of oxygen. Perhaps tomorrow she can get a little further.

We started reading this book when I recently learned that a reclusive graffiti artist, undercover Hobo agent, and part-time English Teacher, Wade Laughlin, teaches this book to knowledge-starved masses in Shakopee. Hopefully he will send me the lesson plan for The Great Gatsby so that Nicole and I can then submit competing assignments to Mr. Laughlin. His grade will help finally determine the best adult high school student in the Johnson House.

And the Great Gatsby Video Game to study!!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random Pics

We recently received a new-to-us digital point-and-shoot camera from my parents, which is just perfect for throwing in the purse and unobtrusively capturing funny faces.

The color swap mode was interesting for awhile. Now we can match Pickles' eye color to any occasion.

It's also great for capturing party shots, when you really need to keep your hands free for beverages and gang symbols.

The current Lego Land exhibit at the Mall of America is awesome, FYI.

Finally, a few random photos from the Saint Paul Winter Carnival, which just celebrated its 125th year. It's hard to resist ice sculptures.

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