Saturday, February 19, 2011


We've had some comments on the blog lately. To the grab bag!

Blogger Tyler said...

I feel like you are getting lazy with the posts.

February 15, 2011 9:24 PM

Tyler, I absolutely agree with you. I think it has to do with the subject matter. Maybe this post will change your mind.

In other news, my parents are cleaning out their garage and brought me bins of personal items from the nineties. In addition to my first microscope and my amazing rock collection, I also have about 8 years' worth of pre-teen and teenage angst captured in Dear Diary format. Here's a sampling (spelling and grammar unchanged):

Date: 3-12-93
Today after school I said to Christopher and Tyler, "You can go ahead and play outside, but don't get into the mud."
Well they didn't get into the mud, they got into tar. They were told specifically not to play in it but they did and they got the tar all over themselves, and their clothes, and bathroom, and floor, etc., etc.
But that's not the worst part. When mom came home Christopher and Tyler were already in bed (when do they ever go to bed at 8:00? They knew they were going to be in trouble.) so mom started screaming at me. Me! I didn't do anything. She said it was all MY fault because I let them wear school clothes outside. Pardon?!
Day: D

Yes, I graded my days just like a report card. And there's plenty more where that came from. I was quite prolific in those days.

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Ryan said...

Post more diary entries. You should also take pictures of TJ and Pickles recreating the events.

Courtney Lerew said...
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Courtney Lerew said...

Nicole, I'm still laughing! The worst part, Tyler still has (and wears) both of the polos seen in the first several photos.

Anonymous said...

I had to chuckle on the posting of Tyler's pictures, and his brother. Not sure how happy they are to see themselves acting goofy. Then I saw the posting of your diary page, sorry that I took my frustration out on you, tar isn't easy to get out of clothes. But all have survived, I hope. I do love seeeing your blog, the pictures and captions are wonderful.
Mom B