Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth

I know you think it would be Disney World, but you'd be wrong. It's actually the Minnesota State Fair. As a non-native Minnesotan without access to a cabin, a boat, or a legitimate Vikings jersey, this is the one stereotypical activity that I can fully and proudly support. (Although we did just get a used snow blower this past weekend, so I guess that makes two stereotypical activities.) This year, we brought along Adam's parents Doug and Janice, veterans of the South Dakota State Fair and cheerful participants in our annual outing. 

In no particular order, here is my baker's dozen list of Favorite Fair Activities. 
(And it would have been WAY more except Adam told me to keep it short. I originally had 52 favorites, and I meant them all.)

1. The Butter Sculptress
This should always be your first stop and your last stop, or the alpha and the omega, if you will. It just goes to show how much you can accomplish with a solid day's work.

2. The Agriculture-Horticulture Building
This is where I could easily spend half the day. The Ag-Hort Building is absolutely packed with jars of golden honey, row upon row of apples, tables of floral arrangements, displays of the newest sugar beets, and - finally - samples of Minnesota wines. And that's not counting the exterior grounds, where you can stop and smell the roses (or anemones).

This amazing work of art is comprised entirely of beeswax and managed to grab a second premium in the Bee and Honey category.

Hint: It's neither the staggering financial crisis nor the demise of the Twins' pennant chances.

3. Seed Art
You really have to see it to believe it. Surprisingly, many of the entries in the Seed Art competition have a decidedly liberal bent. If I had to pick a personal favorite, however, it would be this remarkable homage to Stacey and Clinton of TLC's "What Not to Wear". 

4. Fried Green Tomatoes
It's hard to choose a favorite fair food, but fried green tomatoes with a side of corn fritters and honey butter takes top honors this year.

5. "Creative Activities"
A lot of people skip this amazing building. Don't. Here's what you're missing: 

(FYI - Someone created this image in cross-stitch...and won!)

The home brewing display is new this year. It needs a little jazzing up though, since this is basically what our kitchen counters look like every night.

6. The Gustavus Booth 
It's always fun to sign in to the alumni book and check how many times Wade and Emily have already been to the fair. Also, since it's across from the MN House and Senate booths, you can share your ideas with your legislators and pretend that they're actually listening. Make your life count!

7. The Daily Parade
I don't always catch the parade, but I do enjoy a good stilt-walker. I think I would be really good at this.

If you remember this classic from Awkward Family Photos, you will surely appreciate the classic jeans on Smokey the Bear.

8. Free Stuff
I usually load up on free and educational pamphlets like, "Attracting Birds to the Home Landscape", "Follow that Bill", and "Dairy Goodness", but some years you really luck out. We each got a small vial of 5-hour Energy (in berry or grape), and it was immediately consumed by the men folk. I find that coffee, particularly the French Meadow Bakery organic coffee with cream (next to the crepe stand), works a little better for me.

9. The Eco Building
One of the newest - and definitely one of the cleanest - buildings at the fair and my second favorite, primarily because they have both free coffee samples (see #8. Free Stuff) and a house tour. Since it's always an eco-house, you can try out fun environmentally conscious activities, like taking photos on the heat screen. I have no idea why I was so much hotter than Adam, but maybe it was all that coffee. 

10. Lumberjack Activities
I guess Stillwater has their own Lumberjack Activities, so seeing Ron and Raven of Minnesota Bound was a good second choice. Anything with dogs would make my top 10 list by default anyway.

11. New Foods
It is possible to get salad at the State Fair, but - legally - you do still have to eat it on a stick.

12. Olde Tyme Tractors
Also, campers, RVs, personalized cabins, and Scamps. If there were only more hours in the day to tour every last one.

I'm putting this whimsical little number on my wish list right now. So, if anyone needs a gift idea for my upcoming birthday/anniversary, you're looking at it.

13. The Animals
We usually visit all the animals (except the horses, against which Adam has some odd personal vendetta), but we ran out of time this year. In the spirit of compromise, I was allowed to walk down only one aisle, so I picked the fancy chicken aisle, obviously. I just love them!

There you have it! All that fair fun and beautiful weather, too. I can't wait for next year. (And Tuesday. I'm going again on Tuesday!)


Mickey said...

Nicole, I love your blog posts. Adam's are fine, but yours are always great. Subtly funny and clever, and very much in your unique voice. Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

I have never in my life, had so much fried food in one day....Fried green tomatoes were the best !!! Thanks for the tour of the MN State Fair. Another thing to do, is off my bucket list....
Mom Johnson

Anonymous said...

It was great to have you review the fair with us this year. I agree the butter sculpting is something to see. Have fun on your return trip. Mom B

Sarah said...

I agree with Mickey. You should get a big ol' blogger blue ribbon.