Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Caterpillar Party!

We've been keeping our eyes on the caterpillar party happening in our backyard this summer. We first noticed these guys on July 21, as we were leaving for my brother's wedding, but we check in with them every few days or so. They seem to be enjoying themselves. And why not? We have a profusion of milkweed this year.

The monarch caterpillars were later joined by this feisty fellow. A brief scan of the Internets revealed that he is the aptly-named Milkweed Tussock Moth. Unfortunately, his end result will not be nearly so beautiful as the monarch.

The caterpillars decided to share the remaining supply of milkweed. I still can't believe how much they can eat in one day. We gave up hope for the milkweed to recover and flower yet this summer, but you never know, I guess.

I accidentally knocked this little guy to the ground, so he gave me his defensive curl. Sorry.

On August 20, we noticed the first cocoon. I suppose our house siding is as good a place as any. We'll let you know when it emerges!

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