Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Snow

In memory of TJ, we planted a white flowering crabapple tree in a neglected corner of our backyard. The crabapple is a variety known as "Spring Snow", a highly ornamental and sweetly smelling tree with pure white blooms, much like TJ himself. It is a hybrid that does not produce berries (also much like TJ), which makes me a little sad for the hungry neighborhood birds.  Our nursery was limited in their supply of white flowering crabapples, however, as hot pink seems to be the trend in ornamentals. I think TJ will understand, since he was never really a fan of birds anyway. Squirrels were more his thing.

We received his remains a few weeks ago, but the threat of his final resting place in a cardboard box atop our file cabinet really spurred us to action. We found a piece of beautiful pottery locally handmade in Wisconsin to hold his ashes. We buried a part of him with the new tree and we plan to carry his ashes to two more of his happy places: his favorite park just across the highway and the Johnson family farm. Along with our backyard, those are his top three running, jumping, bounding, living-life-to-the-fullest sites.

The back corner could use a little work, but if you can appreciate the little things and let the big picture work itself out, I think that time will close the gaps and fill the space with life. This fall, I will plant tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and other spring-flowering bulbs. So next spring, when everything starts to grow and renew, we will remember that life continues even after the harshest winter.

In happy memory of TJ
November 13, 2002 to April 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

TJ will always have a special place in our hearts !! We are happy you planted this lovely tree in his honor..Mom and Dad johnson

Anonymous said...

I think TJ will be happy with his final resting places and dreaming of all the squirrels he will be catching. He was a great dog. MOM B