Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Final Days of Fall

Here's a quick photo round-up of our final fall weekends. We've been lazy, and I'm going to miss the sun terribly.

We let Pickles out for her last rendezvous before the snow, and she took full advantage of her time: posing, stalking, climbing, pouncing, and more posing. (FYI, I'm referring to her excellent skills at leaf stalking, not wildlife. We're a bird-friendly house here, and I've been known to leave out the occasional carrot or two for the resident bunnies.)

TJ was originally dressed as a Work Dog for Halloween, but he kept tripping on his tie. So, he converted to a Vikings Dog (again) for the rest of the night.

BOO! Guess which one Adam made? (Hint - it's probably not the one you think.)

I think these photos are so funny, but my camera just couldn't keep up with TJ's speed. He had a blast running through the leaves, although he looks a bit like a fake dog.

We showed TJ the prettiest yellow maple leaf in our whole yard, and he happily tore it to bits. This is a dog that is ready for winter. He might get his chance this week.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to give Pickles and TJ rakes to help with the yard work. The fall leaves looked beautiful lying all over the yard, I'm glad it was your yard and not ours. We just let the wind do it's job (they weren't ours to rake)