Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Belated Days!

I appear to be on a belated streak lately, so I suppose it's only fair that I also missed my own birthday (32!) and anniversary (5!!). Why, yes, thank you, I did have a very good day!

Adam surprised me with a fancy-style bistro set from the end-of-summer section at Lowe's. The red table and chairs clash with the pink and purple garden I was trying to achieve this year, but there's always spray paint and next summer.

I also received a "My Favorite Things" collection of essentially Adam's favorite things: ginger ale, ginger gummy bears, herbal tea, green tea, dark chocolate, and bath salts (the legal kind). I'm not going to argue that I also enjoy these fine things, but anyone who really knows me understands that my actual favorite things are Coke and M&Ms, which - if I remember correctly - was last year's birthday gift.

Pickles came out to spy on our party. She was angry because she was not invited.

After we gave TJ rat poison (Kidding! Prop photo!), we noticed that the hot air balloon season had started. It's a nice perk of living in the valley.

With Adam's parents in town, we took them (like all of our visitors) on a trip to Aamodt's Apple Farm, which also operates the hot air balloons. There are only so many apples one can eat, so I was very excited to watch the inflation of a hot air balloon.

Note the one guy holding down the whole balloon, right.

It was altogether a very nice weekend. 

Keeping with the spirit of this post, please watch for more belated stories. At this rate, I'll catch up to our leaf-peeping vacation in southern Minnesota by snowfall.


Anonymous said...

Nicole I love your red bistro set. I think it will look "charming" in your backyard. We thought of you on your anniversary and even your birthday. Mom S

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the weekend with both of you.....Thanks
Mom Johnson