Sunday, April 17, 2011


We're having issues, obviously, uploading photos to Blogger lately. I have a feeling that uploading directly from Picasa is the responsible culprit, so Pickles will serve as my test subject. If I can't figure out what the heck I'm doing, I may have to try a different system for uploading.

Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, what worked best for you? In addition, if anyone has any advice on file size, image resolution, and photo storage sites, please share your insights! I'm likely doing something wrong, and I'm quickly wearing out my "Dear Adam, pretty please fix the computer again!" card.

From Picasa to Blogger

Inserted from Blogger 

Posted by Picasa


Jessica said...

I put pictures on flickr then copy and paste the HTML code on blogger. Works pretty well!

Sarah said...

I also have had issues lately but have found it more successful to upload from picassa than insert with blogger. For some reason picassa will only let me upload 4 photos at a time though. I just see that as reason to be intentional with my photo journalism. :)