Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bonspiel! Brrr!

Time again for the Erickson's annual bonspiel and potluck. This year, Andrew and Lauren were our chief competitors and - strategy! - our roommates. 

Also, since this is the closest we're getting to a vacation this year, we stopped to take in the sights of Lake Superior.  Please note that there are humans (male) ice-fishing off the shore. They've probably been there for hours.

Part I: Lake Superior

Incidentally, Lake Superior is the closest I'm ever getting to the Arctic, because if the Arctic is even half as terrifying as the ice floes and waves that tried to wet my toes, then I want nothing to do with it. Plus, all the penguins live in the south.

Part II: Tiki Spiel

All I know about a "bonspiel" is that you have "sweepers" to speed up the ice (above, with "brooms") and "curlers" to send the "stones" down the lanes. I'm not quite sure how Adam fits into this highly athletic and serious sport. In addition, our "skip" Ryan was wearing a "tiki skirt".

Here, Andrew is "in the house" (that's right!) to direct traffic. Things can get a little crazy.

Andrew and Lauren exploring the weight of the sport. Also, I think they're breaking more than one rule in this photo.

Lauren got the hang of it very quickly, especially for a first-year. I'm confident that she'll be back next year and will probably beat us all.

Adam and I had a little domestic disagreement on the ice. That is to say, I don't think he was taking this competition very seriously.

Part III: Party Favors

Winners received a grab bag full of favors. But Sarah had an extra bag for losers, so that's how we wound up with a dried, compacted square of something awesome. We couldn't wait to get into warm water to see what would happen. As it turns out, not much.

Surprise! A 12-inch square SpongeBob washcloth for children. When knotted, it also made a great ball for playing catch, although I think it's fair to say that you really had to be there.

Thanks Ericksons!
(P.S. Our pizza check is in the mail!)

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