Sunday, November 21, 2010


We recently took a trip to Omaha to visit my brother Christopher and his beautifully pregnant wife Amanda. But first, Iowa!

We took a detour to the Mormon Trail Museum in Omaha, which was simultaneously interesting, informative, entertaining, and free. So much so, in fact, that we bought two copies of Under the Banner of Heaven from a local used bookstore. Adam is currently rereading the hardcover edition and is chock-full of fun facts. Fun fact: the Mormons wintered near Omaha on their way to Utah. I'll bet that was fun.

After the history lesson, we headed for lunch at the Rock Bottom Brewery, where Adam and I each had a beverage of equal alcohol content. Adam then ordered a growler for the road.

Our main attraction was the Saturday Night ROTC Banquet. Christopher is currently a student at Creighton's Law School, and his super-senior student status bestows upon him leadership qualities with the Army/Navy crowd. As best I can tell, he was a bouncer with his ROTC buddy Wyatt.
Adam served as a father figure, which made total sense as we were easily the oldest couple in attendance (not counting the generals).
Christopher and Amanda, 7+ months down, 1 or 2 to go. Go Twins!

Bouncer Wyatt and the gang.
Macy and her second favorite toy. We had to destroy her ultra-repetitive noisy favorite. Just kidding. We left the state instead.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looked as if the trip to Omaha was fun. It's a good thing you had some pull at that banquet, you could have been bounced out for not being military. Haven't seen Christopher in his dress uniform in along time looks grerat.