Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Kitchen Faucet

This day was just gloomy enough to make us take on home repairs. So, today was the day for a new kitchen faucet.

We briefly considered repairing our current model, but that seemed uninspiring. Years of water leaks had built up a fine scale of calcium, lime and rust impervious to every toxic chemical I could find, and the bulky water filter attachment (never used) was always in my way.

I am sorry you had to see this photo. Gross.

Adam tackled the tasks with tools, and I helped by kneading the plumber's putty and offering silent encouragement.

Our new faucet is now in service. Selected primarily for its value (On sale?! With a $20 mail-in rebate?! Sold!) and secondarily for its beauty (At least it doesn't leak...), I'm willing to cross this project off the list.

And when all was completed, TJ put his paw on Adam's knee and told him, "Good job, old boy. I knew you could do it." True story.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job Adam & Nicole,
Are you two going into the plumbing business? It pays well, but it can be a drain.Ha HA
Love, Dad Johnson