Friday, August 7, 2009


We traveled to near Maiden Rock, Wisconsin last weekend for some tasty blueberries and delicious views. Wisconsin - being a bit ahead of the curve, weather-wise - readied our roads with a scenic autumn show.

Following the recommendation of our neighbors, we selected Rush River Produce near Lake Pepin. The blueberry harvest was winding down, but we collected more than enough to bake a few desserts - with extra berries to freeze for later - even after we ate half our supply in the fields.

Adam really hit it off with the black currants, even though they had a flavor another picker described as tasting like wild game. I thought they tasted more like the pine trees of the Black Hills, or rather, tasted like the smell of the pines. I managed to sneak a cup of the currants into some scones before Adam stockpiled the rest into a secret old-style currant cordial that we will experience in approximately 2-3 months.
We got out of there with enough antioxidants and blue-stained tongues to keep us safe for at least a month, but we'll be back next year. The scones were that good.

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1 comment:

Mickey said...

Those blubes (as one Dr. Kyle Allen may call them) look awesome! We also had currants in baked goods this weekend, though ours were dried and in muffins. No high-falootin' scones for us!