Sunday, November 9, 2008

Twilight vs. Darkplace

Nicole is strongly invested into the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. It follows the tension of a young, plucky girl named Bella who falls for bad-boy/vampire Edward. She is solidly on the second book after finishing the first in 3 days. These books speak to the 15 year old girl in all of us.  I have started the first book, but I'm not seeing eye to eye with this Bella character. However, I seem to relate well to the Volvo driving, incredibly handsome, dark, mysterious Edward.  I don't know how that's possible.

Thinking about Twilight reminded me of the series Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, which I was able to find on YouTube. It is a fake-80's series about a doctor who battles the occult. There are not any sexually repressed vampires, but the humor and cleverly written satire is refreshing after reading Twilight. 

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